Monday, June 11, 2007

Rugta: The President Of so Called Somaliland was caught In Sweden

Rugta: The President Of so Called Somaliland was caught In Sweden
war lagu kalsoonyahay oo ka imanaya wadanka sweden ayaa sheegaya in ninkii isku magacaabi jiray madaxweynahaya kooxda falaagada ah ee Hargesia lagu qabtay wadanka sweden isagoo wata ama haysta qaad waxaan ka wada war haynaa in jaadku uu ka yahay mamnuuc wadankaasi waxaana la yaabaa qofka lagu qabto inuu xabsi galo muddo badan .hadaba waxaa naloo sheegay in gurigii uu ku haystay qaadka uu daaqada ka dhacay isagoo macawis qaba dabeedna gaari ku baxsaday laakiin police ka wadanka ayaa soo gaaray muddo yar ka dib, hada waxaa lagu hayaa saldhig police wareysi ayaana lala leeyahay

The President Of so Called Somaliland was caught In Sweden

Reliable News From Sweden that was related to us Informs That the president of The seccessionist Region Of Somaliland was apprehended by the swedish police after he was caught with a sack Of Drugs, the Drug Jaat or qaat is a prohibited substance in sweden and anyone caught with it can get a jail term of up to six years, Riyaale as he is called was in a party with other members of his gang when the police was tipped and according to the source Riyaale jumped from window and into a waiting car but the police caught with them after 3 set of lights. he is currently in police custody where he is being questioned.